Approaches to improve functionality, nutritional value and taste of plant proteins concentrates and isolates

Plant protein extraction

Plant proteins are sometimes associated to functionality, nutritional and organoleptic deficiencies which could make difficult their use as food ingredients. To solve or reduce those problems different strategies can be applied. En savoir plus

Determination of the in vitro ileal digestibility of the proteins according to the Boisen method

This method is based on a multi-enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins En savoir plus

Méthode de détermination de la digestibilité iléale in vitro des protéines brutes selon la méthode Boisen

Le principe de cette méthode repose sur une digestion multienzymatique des protéines brutes En savoir plus

Plant protein extraction : state of the art

pant protein extraction

IMPROVE is able to support any project where protein concentrates and isolates will be produced using traditional or disruptive processes and where a full characterization is needed to predict the type of food matrix in which they can be applied. En savoir plus

Protéines végétales, protéines d’insectes, de micro-algues… Où en sommes-nous ?


La demande en protéines animales et végétales augmentera de 40% selon la FAO… En savoir plus