Application in model systems and product characterization

Model food systems can be produced at IMPROVE at lab scale to predict the behaviour of plant proteins in real food products. Commercial food products and prototypes can also be delivered to IMPROVE for characterization.


Plant based milks and instant drinks


Plant based milks can be produced with different methods at lab scale and pilot plant scale at IMPROVE. Important quality parameters for plant-based milks are taste, colour, stability against sedimentation, mouthfeel, absence of anti-nutrients and digestibility.



Plant-based yogurts


Plant-based yogurts can be produced at IMPROVE at lab scale and characterized for taste and texture. The suitability of plant proteins for plant-based yogurts depends on their taste, whiteness and capacity to form a gel when gradually acidified.




Flours and protein concentrates can be incorporated in bread and bakery products to increase their protein content and quality. Protein-enriched breads can be analysed for taste, texture, colour and crumb structure. The impact of ingredient on dough rheology can also be measured.




Flours and protein concentrates can be used in sweet and savoury biscuits to increase their protein content and quality. Products can be analysed for taste, texture and colour after cooking.





Plant proteins can be used as foaming agents in applications like chocolate mousse. Products can be analysed for colour, absence of off-notes and foam aeration (overrun).